11|11 LOCALITE exhibition booth at the congress of the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN) in Berlin from 23th to 26th November
10|11 LOCALITE exhibition booth at the German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU) in Berlin from 25th to 28th October 2011, booth no. 92/15
09|11 LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 84th Congress of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) in Wiesbaden, from 28th September to 1st Oktober
06|11 Presentation of the new LOCALITE TMS Navigator Version 2.1 at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Human Brain Mapping Organisation in Quebec from 26th to 30th June 2011
06|11 Presentation of the new LOCALITE TMS Navigator Version 2.1 at the European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology (ECCN)/4th International Congress on Transcranial and Direct Current Stimulation in Rom from 20th to 25th June 2011
05|11 Presentation of the new LOCALITE TMS Navigator Version 2.1 at the World Congress of Biological Psychiatry in Prag from 29th May to 2nd June 2011
04|11 Publication Integration of a 3D ultrasound probe into neuronavigation in collaboration with the LOCALITE GmbH
11|10 Presentation of the LOCALITE TMSNavigator at the MEDICA 2010 in Düsseldorf from 17th to 20th November, hall 16 booth no. D10-1
10|10 LOCALITE exhibition booth at the German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DKOU) in Berlin from 26th to 29th October, booth no. 92/15
09|10 LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 8th Interventional MRI Symposium in Leipzig from 24th to 25th September
06|10 Presentation of the LOCALITE TMS Navigator at the workshop "Utilisation de la TMS en psychiatrie" of the Club rTMS et Psychiatrie in Paris
06|10 LOCALITE participation at the 20th Kaiser's Bonn-Triathlon
06|10 German press release for the BMBF collaborative project MoBiGuide: Molekularmedizinisches Verfahren verbessert Diagnostik und Therapie bei Prostatakrebs
10|09LOCALITE exhibition booth at the Joint German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery 2009 (DKOU) in Berlin, October 21 - 24
06|09LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 15th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping in San Francisco, USA, June 18 - 23
Visit us at our stand number 27 at the fair!
03|09LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 53nd annual meeting of the German Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN) in Munich, March 26 - 28
11|08LOCALITE exhibition booth at the congress of the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN) in Berlin from November 26th to 29th
10|08LOCALITE exhibition booth at the Joint German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery 2008 in Berlin from October 22nd to 25th, booth no. 92/14
09|08Workshop at the 7th annual conference of the German Society of Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (CURAC) in Leipzig from 24th to 26th September: Der navigierte 3D-Ultraschall in der Neurochirurgie
09|08LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 81th congress of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) in Hamburg from 10th to 13th September, booth no. 245
06|08LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 57th annual conference of the North German Orthopaedic Society in Hamburg from 12th to 14th June
05|08LOCALITE at the 56th annual conference of the South German Orthopaedic Society in Baden-Baden from 1st to 5th May
04|08LOCALITE at the 89th German Radiology Congress (@roentgen with workstation session) in Berlin from April 30th to May 3rd
04|08LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 52nd annual meeting of the German Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN) in Magdeburg from 10th to 12th April
11|07LOCALITE exhibition booth at the congress of the German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology (DGPPN) in Berlin from November 21st to 24th
10|07LOCALITE exhibition booth at the Joint German Congress of Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery 2007 in Berlin from October 24th to 27th, booth no. 92/14
10|07LOCALITE exhibition booth at 6th annual meeting of the German Society of Computer and Roboter Assisted Surgery (CURAC) in Karlsruhe from October 11th to 13th
09|07LOCALITE exhibition booth at 80th congress of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) in Berlin from September 12th to 15th, booth no. 257
03|07LOCALITE exhibition booth at the 51st annual meeting of the German Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN) in Munich from March 21st to 25th, booth 111
  Scientific publications
Andrea Müns, Jürgen Meixensberger, Sven Arnold, Arno Schmitgen, Felix Arlt, Claire Chalopin, Dirk Lindner: Integration of a 3D ultrasound probe into neuronavigation. In: Acta Neurochirurgica, The European Journal of Neurosurgery (© Springer-Verlag 2011), DOI: 10.1007/s00701-011-0994-5

Arnold S., Schmitgen A., Zühlke, D., Cohnen M., Kubitz R.: 3D Ultraschall basierte Navigation bei transkutaner Radiofrequenzablation. In: RöFo April 2008 (Publisher: Dierk Vorwek, Ingolstadt, Richard Fotter, Graz), S. 261

Reichelt C.D., Kubitz R., Filke S., Arnold S., Häussinger D., Cohnen M.: Automatische Online-Bildfusion von CT und Ultraschall bei der Radiofrequenzablation von Leberläsionen. DRG 2008 (Berlin). In: RöFo April 2008 (Publisher: Dierk Vorwek, Ingolstadt, Richard Fotter, Graz), S. 139

Mackschin, S. et al.: Segmentierung von Wirbelkörpern aus CT-Datensätzen zur intraoperativen Navigation. CURAC 2007 (Karlsruhe)

Zühlke, D. et al.: Intrainterventional registration of 3D ultrasound to models of the vascular system of the liver. CURAC 2006 (Hannover)

Haase, R. et al.: Freehand calibration of 3D ultrasound navigation. CURAC 2006 (Hannover)

Arnold, S. et al.: 3D ultrasound navigated RFA of liver tumours. CURAC 2006 (Hannover)

Lindner, D. et al. Innovation and limitation of intraoperative 3D-ultrasound in neurosurgery - experience in 44 patients. CURAC 2006 (Hannover)

Selbach, D. et al.: Visuelle Genauigkeitsinspektion für Registrierung durch Laser-Oberflächen-Abtastung. CURAC 2004 (München)

Schwarz, R. et al.: Tissue Shift in Robot-Assisted Endoscopic Cardiac Surgery: Implications on Planning, Simulation and Guidance, CURAC 2003 (Berlin)

Bublat, M. et al.: Iterative Multimodal Computer-Assisted Navigation Using Pre- and Intra-operative Image Data. In: Medical Laser Application, Bd. 17, Nr. 2, (2002), S. 123-131

Schwarz, R. et al.: Operating Microscope Integration in Freehand 3D Ultrasound Neuronavigation, ISRACAS 2002 Computer Aided Surgery, Volume 7, Issue 5, p. 302

Moche, M. et al.: Improved intraoperative MR image guidance - clinical applications and evaluation; iMRI-Symposium 2002 (Leipzig)

Moche, M. et al.: Advanced Navigation Strategies for MRI-guided Interventions; RSNA 2002 (Chicago)

Arnold, S. et al.: Iterative Neuronavigation mit 3D-Ultraschall, CURAC 2002

Moche, M. et al.: Multimodale Operationsplanung und Navigation am interventionellen MRT; Arbeitskreis NMR der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Physik (Leipzig)

Trantakis, C. et al.: Iterative neuronavigation using 3D ultrasound. A feasibility study, Neurological Research 2002 Oct, 24(7):666-70

Moche, M. et al.: Erweiterte Eingriffsplanung und Navigation am interventionellen MRT: Erfahrungen im Bodybereich; Deutscher Röntgenkongreß 2002 (Wiesbaden)

Moche, M. et al.: Advanced Treatment Planning and Navigation Platform for MRI-guided Interventions: One Year's Experience with Neurosurgical Applications; ISMRM 2002 (Hawaii)

Grunst, G. et al.: Iterative Navigation auf Basis prä- und intra-interventioneller 2D- und 3D-Bilddaten unterschiedlicher Modalität, CURAC 2002

Moche, M. et al.: Fusion von MRT-, fMRT- und intraoperativen MRT-Daten. Radiologe 2001, 41: 993-1000.

Kansy, K. et al.: A Multimodal Navigation System for Interventional MRI. MICCAI 2001